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React Document Summary

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    Li WenKang


use usecallback with memo to reduce unnecessary child-component re-render

use useContent and wrap child components in <XXX.Provider value="xxx"> to share data between components without passing data by props.

use useDeferredValue with <Suspense fallback={} > to improve user experience by update a part of UI.

use Effect to get data, Connecting to an external system.

use useId to generate Id for aria-describe

use useImperativeHandle to make the parent component to get the child commponent's ref without true dom, but only some methods that the child component want to expose.

use useInsertionEffect to inject dynamic styles from CSS-in-JS libraries. It's happen before DOM mutations.

use useLayoutEffect to measure layout before the browser repaints the screen

use useMemo to cache a function result between re-renders. try to separate a object dependencies to more single variable.

a example explain useCallback and useMemo

const handleSubmit = useMemo(() => {
  // no arguments
  return (data) => {
      .post(url, {
}, [url])

const handleSubmit = useCallback(
  (data) => {
      .post(url, {

use useReducer to set initial state and change state by dispatch action.

use useRef to store data that won't change in screen, If you want to change ref.current, You should change it during useEffect or in a event handler like handleSubmit. If use map/EChart/VideoPlayer, just initial constructor once.

useEffect(() => {
  // the initial value is a function, and it will be called in every render
  const playerRef = useRef(new VideoPlayer())

  const playerRef = useRef(null)
  if (playerRef.current === null) {
    playerRef.current = new VideoPlayer()
}, [])

use forwardRef,if you want to expose the child component ref to the parent component

use useState, if you initial a state by passing a function which look like

// The function computeNum will execute in every render
const [num, setNum] = useState(computeNum())

// React will only call it during initialization.
const [num, setNum] = useState(computeNum)

if you need to integrate with existing non-React code. such as navigator.onLine use useSyncExternalStore

import { useSyncExternalStore } from 'react'

export default function ChatIndicator() {
  const isOnline = useSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot)
  return <h1>{isOnline ? '✅ Online' : '❌ Disconnected'}</h1>

function getSnapshot() {
  return navigator.onLine

function subscribe(callback) {
  window.addEventListener('online', callback)
  window.addEventListener('offline', callback)
  return () => {
    window.removeEventListener('online', callback)
    window.removeEventListener('offline', callback)

use useTransition update the state without blocking the UI. Toggle components by changing tab, UI will be blocked, put the setTab(nextTab) in useTransition function.

React Components

<Fragment> can pass key in array loop.

<Profiler> phase: "mount", "update" or "nested-update" compare actualDuration, baseDuration, you will know whether memorization work

<StrictMode> enable trigger once more method. warn you some deprecation methods

<Suspense> If you use <Suspense> in a nested components, maybe you don't want to show fallback content when some useful content already exist. So use useTransition or startTransition, and pass setPage(url) in callback function.


use createContext with useContext and <XX.Provider>

use forwardRef to pass ref to custom component

use lazy in react router classnames

use startTransition: the function in it will not block UI

drag/drop api

use createPortal: place the component in what you want. example: <Modal />

use flushSync

For example, the browser onbeforeprint API allows you to change the page immediately before the print dialog opens. This is useful for applying custom print styles that allow the document to display better for printing. In the example below, you use flushSync inside of the onbeforeprint callback to immediately “flush” the React state to the DOM. Then, by the time the print dialog opens, isPrinting displays “yes”: